Sophion, DK
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- Sophion, DK
APC (Automated Patch Clamp System) ; QPatch II, QUBE 384
QPatch II
QPatch II is designed to overcome the constant pressure to increase lab efficiency while maintaining medium and high throughput and high data quality. The new intuitive software interface ensures fast training and onboarding, reduce human errors and enable staff rotation in the laboratory. The faster control software and new hardware design deliver robust unattended operation, so you can meet the demands of a modern and up-to-date ion channel laboratory.
- Learn to operate QPatch II in less than 10 minutes
- Reduce human errors
- Enable staff rotation
- Pre-defined assays and re-runs jobs directly from the touch screen
- Overnight unattended operation
- Automated data analysis and reporting
- Proven on all commonly used ion channels
- Use for cardiac safety to small/medium library screens
- Giga-seal quality without seal enhancer
- High reproducibility and repeatability
- No electrode maintenance and no risk of electrode drift
- Based on the benchmark APC solution for cardiac safety
- Designed for implementation in GLP environments.
- Audit trails for creation/deletion/modification of electronic records.
Qube 384
Qube 384, Sophion’s high throughput screening system, is our way of making ion channel research easy. Combining giga-seal recordings with true walk-away operation is a strong tool in making drug discovery more efficient. Qube is high fidelity voltage clamp where each cell can be clamped at its own V½-potential to better elucidate compound mode-of-action. The temperature can be controlled at the cellular level and both heated and cooled. The temperature value is also available for the subsequent analysis.
- Online V½ estimation
- 90-95% success rates easily achieved (E.g. hERG, NaV1.4, CaV1.2)
- True walk-away operation – 6,000 wells tested with a single click
- Voltage, ligand and current clamp recordings
- Whole cell and perforated patch
- Gigaseal recording ensure high fidelity data and high signal to noise ratio
- Temperature control
- Intelligent compound handling to ensure correct concentrations at measurement site
- Enables staff rotation with easy to use assay setup interface
- Powerful analysis with Sophion Analyzer Software
QPlate, the biochip for QPatch, provides a non-compromised test environment which ensures consistent quality time after time. Integrated dual electrodes per measurement site eliminates the need for electrode maintenance and the risk of electrode drift, thus ensuring consistent high quality data. The silicon chip substrate for patch clamping enables true-gigaseal recordings in physiological ringers, without the need for seal enhancers.
QPlate 48X
QPlate 48
QPlate 16X
QPlate 16
- Genuine gigaohm seal formation in physiological solutions
- Glass flow channels minimize adsorption of compounds
- Dual electrode per well eliminates maintenance and electrode drift
- Single- and multi-hole QPlates are available
An essential part of the Qube system is the measurement plate, the QChip 384. Sophion has an extensive knowledge of making cells seal tightly on to planar surfaces and handling liquids in micro fluidic channels. This has been miniaturized to find room for 384 measurement sites on a standard SBS footprint. There are different QChips but the all provide:
QChip 384D – Assay Development QChip
QChip 384C – Customizable Qchips
QChip 384 – Single Hole
QChip 384 – Multi Hole
- Giga-seal technology
- 384 Integrated electrode pairs
- Maintenance free and ready to use
- Capable of long (> 1 hour) experiments with no electrode drift
- Precise liquid handling in micro-fluidic flow channels